Siamo entusiaste di annunciare finalmente il lancio del nostro Corso di Tornio Elettrico ! Un’introduzione pratica e guidata dalla ceramista Anita Benn
Il corso si terrà in piccoli gruppi (max 4 persone) per assicurarvi un’esperienza più personalizzata e diretta. In 3 ore, esplorerete i fondamenti del tornio elettrico: dalla preparazione della postazione di lavoro all’utilizzo degli strumenti essenziali. Imparerete centrare e foggiare un cilindro e scoprendo poi come dar vita a forme diverse e uniche.
Il programma include anche preziosi consigli su come preparare l' argilla e mantenere il tornio in perfette condizioni per garantire una lunga durata.
Le prime due date disponibili sono:
* Venerdì 4 aprile, dalle 16 alle 19
* Venerdì 18 aprile, dalle 16 alle 19
Affrettatevi a prenotare il vostro posto, i posti sono limitati! Se le date dovessero essere esaurite, non preoccupatevi: cercheremo di aggiungere nuove date su richiesta.
Per maggiore info e prenotazioni: Anita 351 668 1221 (no whatsapp!!!)
Non perdere l’opportunità di vivere la magia e il fascino del tornio!
We are excited to finally announce the launch of our Electric Wheel Course! A practical introduction guided by the ceramist. Anita Benn
The course will be held in small groups (max 4 people) to ensure a more personalized and direct experience. In 3 hours, you will explore the fundamentals of the electric wheel: from setting up your workspace to using the essential tools. You will learn how to center and shape a cylinder, and then discover how to create different and unique forms. The program also includes valuable tips on how to prepare the clay and keep the wheel in perfect condition to ensure long-lasting use.
The first two available dates are:
Friday, April 5th, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Friday, April 18th, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Hurry to book your spot, as spaces are limited! If the dates are sold out, don't worry: we will try to add new dates upon request.
For more information and bookings: Anita 351 668 1221 (no whatsapp!!!)
Don't miss the opportunity to experience the magic and charm of the wheel!
Bracciano Italy
Thank you John for letting me use the most beautiful
pottery workshop ever
Mallorca was gonna become my new home after years of living in Barcelona. After my world trip Barcelona was not feeling the same like it felt before. I love Mallorca especially the people, never met so many amazing warmhearted people in one place. Unfortunately the workspace I was using had a problem with the Kiln and so I couldn’t stay in this workshop. Then I got invited to Italy to participate in an art residency.
I love Mexico and I definitely want to go back one day, my experience with pottery over there though, was not so good. Mexico city is such a beautiful city I loved it! And I was so lucky to find a place where I could do ceramics and even teach for a short while. But I really needed to go to see the ocean and decided to leave to the caribbean.
I was working for someone in Tulum who never paid me in the end and stole all my work. Sad to know that people you trusted can have such a different face. I wish this person all the best, I let go of two month work and the dishonesty of a lost soul, because I believe this is the best way to feel in peace.
I was also shocked about what was going on in Tulum after watching a documentary. All I can say is that it should be a protected nature resort and not a hotel invasion. I hope you think about it twice before booking, the beaches are full of seaweed anyway. Not nice at all cenotes with human poop, cause the water is so polluted of the hotels…
I boycotted these hotels and stayed with the Mayan people in the poorer area. I don’t know if this makes a change. Fact is, too many tourists just destroys the place. If I go again, then to make some social project, find out how to deal with this pollution. But definitely not for a holiday.
Found the biggest Avocadostones ever and started carving besides going daily to the potter workshop. Here you can see the finish product —>avocadostone
Okinawa was a dream! I was so lucky so blessed surrounded with incredible giving and loving people. This potter family let me rent a space for a month. Please check out their beautiful work here -> toukikoubou
Kojima Japan
Takaaki and his parents, the nicest people ever agreed after I have asked them in an email to make a sort of an exchange. Part time working part time doing pottery.
Mother Keko who became like my Japanese mom, cared so much about me. Always invited me to try Japanese food that was new to me and worried that I would work too much, when I had the feeling I didn’t do enough.
We had some fun english lessons whilst pottering. I helped out where ever I could. It took me some time to convince Takaaki’s father, an ex Karate Teacher, that I was strong enough to do men work. When he saw my superpowers he finally let me motivate him to continue some work on a future house project. I had the most beautiful work exchange (workaway /woofing) experience ever.
If you are a potter or would like to have a pottery experience you must check out their lovely airbnb that is just next to the potterschool and the best restaurant in the universe die Hütte…yes thats right a German name, I smiled too. This restaurant is very special everything is freshly made and all the dishes hand crafted. It’s a restaurant museum.
And if you would like to go for workaway holidays please make sure to work enough hours, take initiative, they are too nice, and will always tell you to stop working, please don’t abuse and just continue. They really really need some helping hands.
I want to thank Takaaki for all his amazing effort and work. He is managing the airbnb and took me to see the area. chek out his website ->Wasyugama
Soon I felt I need more time on the wheel more time in the studio and more space so I started working from home and rented a studio to fire my stuff. But…..I lived on the 4th floor its like the 6th in other countries and the stairs where deadly dangerous. This mission, to each time transport everything to the studio was a bit crazy and on my bicycle I would always lose a couple of pieces cause they would break.
my first pottery experience with my very first Teacher Motoko, she has her studio in El borne. If you want to take classes I can very much recommend her. She is a sunshine, I loved the classes so much with her, such a wonderful person. Check out her amazing work -> Motokos Art